Workshop: “Stopping Trump’s fascist takeover: defending immigrant and LGBT+ youth in our schools”‘
Date: Thursday March 6
Time: 8pm est
Location: Zoom
Ronald Cruz is an organizer and attorney with the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).
As a student defendant-intervenor in the historic Grutter v. Bollinger Supreme Court affirmative action case, he helped organize the March on Washington in 2003 that succeeded at preventing the resegregation of higher education. With BAMN, he is now promoting student, teacher, and community resistance to Trump’s mass deportations, as the central way to building a resistance powerful enough to stop Trump’s fascist authoritarian program. He is an out gay man and has been a proud advocate for LGBT+ equality, and has given speeches at youth walkouts for trans rights. After teaching an afterschool middle-school roleplaying-game class for several years, he has launched a highly-successful roleplaying-game YouTube channel, “The Rules Lawyer,” which he also has used as a platform to promote social justice.